
Acupuncture is an alternative Chinese medicine consisting of the methodical placement of thin needles at specific points and depths on the body. Our acupuncture treatment is designed to alleviate pain and help treat various health conditions.
Fire Cupping
Love Cupping (heart-shaped)
What is Fire Cupping?
Fire cupping is a treatment under Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), typically an adjunctive technique used during acupuncture treatments. Cupping can help relax body tension, recover from your workout, boost your immune system, aid your digestion and even create circulation for fertility. Traditional Chinese Medicine uses fire cupping to improve circulation, the body’s blood flow, using the lymphatic system, and flow of Qi, through realigning and pressure.
Cupping treatments are popular among Olympic athletes and professional athletes like Michael Phelps, as well as for people who lead busy lives.
The cupping process itself works opposite to a massage: it pulls tissue, rather than pushing it around. In our specific fire cupping treatments, we use glass or ceramic cups to create suction that feels similar to a deep tissue massage. The use of fire is passed down from cupping’s traditional roots, and the flame works as a catalyst to create a better level of suction.
There are a few types of cupping, from traditional fire cupping to fire love cupping (heart shaped cups and marks).
While scheduling your appointment, you can add-on cupping to your acupuncture treatment or have it as a solo treatment for 15 or 30 minutes.
What areas of the body can you get cupping?:
Fire Cupping Benefits
While some experience deep purple circles after cupping therapy, those marks are not the reason why people try cupping—there are a lot of benefits!
For example, fire cupping has helped our clients:
Relieve tension and pain
Detox the body
Increase circulation
Experience faster muscle recovery
Reduce inflammation
Improve range of motion
Boost immunity
Reduce bloating
Aid in stress relief, by stimulating the nervous systems
Feel more energized
Shoulders and arms
Upper back
Chest and flanks
Middle back
Lower back
Hips and Glutes
What People Are Saying About Our
Fire Cupping Treatments
“The feeling of reduction of muscle tightness in my back was amazing. Dr. Lorena also did some interesting stretching that day, that also contributed to reducing tingling and numbness in my right arm. She definitely wants to help you in resolving your problem and as fast as possible. She is so dynamic and so human-oriented.”
Nicole F., Acupuncture & Fire Cupping Client